
Home Learning Tasks – 1/6/20

I hope that you all are well and have had a lovely half term in the sun!

This week’s home learning games and activities have been set on PURPLE MASH.


Please log in using your personal username and password which has been sent in a private message on Dojo.

Don’t forget about;

  • Accelerated reading

There are lots of free books to read by clicking on the following link.


You can then quiz on these books using this link and logging in.


Each week children who have achieved at least85% in each quiz will get a special mention and prize.

  • TT RockStars

Keep working on your times tables. How quick can you recall them?


  • Spelling Shed

Keep practising your spellings on


Each week there will be a special mention for speller of the week and class of the week.

  •  Code Studio

You can brush up on your coding skills for free using the hour of code.



There are also paper packs of work available to collect from the school office.

Home Learning Tasks – 18/5/20

I hope that you all are well and have had a nice weekend.

This week’s home learning games and activities have been set on PURPLE MASH.


Please log in using your personal username and password which has been sent in a private message on Dojo.

Don’t forget about;

  • Accelerated reading

There are lots of free books to read by clicking on the following link.


You can then quiz on these books using this link and logging in.


Each week children who have achieved at least85% in each quiz will get a special mention and prize.

  • TT RockStars

Keep working on your times tables. How quick can you recall them?


  • Spelling Shed

Keep practising your spellings on


Each week there will be a special mention for speller of the week and class of the week.

  •  Code Studio

You can brush up on your coding skills for free using the hour of code.



There are also paper packs of work available to collect from the school office.

Home Learning Tasks – 11/5/20

I hope that you all are well and have had a nice weekend.

This week’s home learning games and activities have been set on PURPLE MASH.


Please log in using your personal username and password which has been sent in a private message on Dojo.

Don’t forget about;

  • Accelerated reading

There are lots of free books to read by clicking on the following link.


You can then quiz on these books using this link and logging in.


Each week children who have achieved at least85% in each quiz will get a special mention and prize.

  • TT RockStars

Keep working on your times tables. How quick can you recall them?


  • Spelling Shed

Keep practising your spellings on


Each week there will be a special mention for speller of the week and class of the week.

  •  Code Studio

You can brush up on your coding skills for free using the hour of code.



There are also paper packs of work available to collect from the school office.

Home Learning Tasks – 4/5/20

I hope that you all are well and have had a nice weekend.

This week’s home learning games and activities have been set on PURPLE MASH.


Please log in using your personal username and password which has been sent in a private message on Dojo.

Don’t forget about;

  • Accelerated reading

There are lots of free books to read by clicking on the following link.


You can then quiz on these books using this link and logging in.


Each week children who have achieved at least85% in each quiz will get a special mention and prize.

  • TT RockStars

Keep working on your times tables. How quick can you recall them?


  • Spelling Shed

Keep practising your spellings on


Each week there will be a special mention for speller of the week and class of the week.

  •  Code Studio

You can brush up on your coding skills for free using the hour of code.



There are also paper packs of work available to collect from the school office.

Home Learning Tasks – 27/4/20

I hope that you all are well and have had a nice weekend.

This week’s home learning games and activities have been set on PURPLE MASH.


Please log in using your personal username and password which has been sent in a private message on Dojo.

Don’t forget about;

  • Accelerated reading

There are lots of free books to read by clicking on the following link.


You can then quiz on these books using this link and logging in.


Each week children who have achieved at least85% in each quiz will get a special mention and prize.

  • TT RockStars

Keep working on your times tables. How quick can you recall them?


  • Spelling Shed

Keep practising your spellings on


Each week there will be a special mention for speller of the week and class of the week.

  •  Code Studio

You can brush up on your coding skills for free using the hour of code.



There are also paper packs of work available to collect from the school office.

Home Learning Tasks – 20/4/20


Hi everyone, welcome to a very unusual summer term.

I hope you all had a lovely Easter, ate lots of chocolate and had the opportunity to go outside and play in the beautiful weather that we have been having.

I really miss seeing you all every day and I am thinking about you all lots.

I have added some tasks for you to try and complete this week.

Please don’t forget to send me pictures of yourselves it really cheers me up to see you all.

Stay safe, keep in touch


Can you define each of these words?
Who can create the best sentence using one or more of these words? 
How many synonyms can you find for each word?
How many antonyms can you find for each word?
Can you create a picture to go with each word?

Look at the three pictures above. 

How many similarities and differences can you find?

Think about:

  • their appearance
  • what they do
  • where they might be found

Now decide which you think is the odd one out and why.

There is no wrong answer!

Half Term Easter Activities - 13/4/20
Hope you are all keeping well.
Please have a look at this week's tasks.
Remember that you can send me messages and photos of your work on Dojo for extra points :) 
Stay Safe! 
This website is great for those who like to draw or would like to learn some new skills :) there are virtual videos to follow to create different images.
Let me know if you have a go.
I have some riddles for you to have a go at! 

I am full of holes; I can hold water. What am I?

What gets wet when drying?

What are two things people never eat before breakfast?

What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?

What has 4 legs and only one foot?

What is the more you take away the larger it becomes?

What can’t be used until it is broken?

What has many keys but can’t open any doors?
Why don’t you have a go at these sudoku puzzles?

The rules of the game are simple fill in the empty cells with the digit from 1 to 4. making sure that each digit is present only once per row. once per column and once per box.

Good luck! Let me know how you get on!
Can you solve this emoji quiz?

Each set of pictures is the name of a children’s film.

E.g. 1. Frozen
Miss Finnigan has been trying yoga for the first time ever.

You can try it too using these lovely stories.


Holy Week Learning Tasks - 6/4/20

Hope you are all keeping well.
Please have a look at this week's tasks.
Remember that you can send me messages and photos of your work on Dojo for extra points :) 
Stay Safe! 

Palm Sunday

Today we would be celebrating Palm Sunday.

Watch this short YouTube clip and answer the questions below.

You must consent to the use of advertising cookies to allow this YouTube video to show.

Where was Jesus heading to?

What did Jesus tell two of his disciples to do?

Would you be willing to obey Jesus even if he asked you to do something you didn’t understand?

The way Jesus was greeted by the crowd made people think Jesus was a __________.

What did the crowd shout as Jesus went past?

Why did they shout these things?

What did Jesus say to the people who didn’t believe in him?

How did this make Jesus feel?

Is Palm Sunday a sad story? Why?

Maundy Thursday 
Today we celebrate Maundy Thursday or the Last Supper.
Watch this short video and answer the questions below.

You must consent to the use of advertising cookies to allow this YouTube video to show.
Where was Jesus going and why?
Why was Jesus happy?
What did Jesus say when he blessed the bread and why?
What did Jesus say when he blessed the wine and why?
Why were the disciples upset?
Who betrayed Jesus?
What was the promise Jesus made?
Good Friday 
Today we celebrate Good Friday. Watch this short clip and answer the questions below.
You must consent to the use of advertising cookies to allow this YouTube video to show.
Why did the Jewish leaders and teachers not like Jesus?
Who betrayed Jesus?
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
What did the High Council ask Jesus?
Who was the Roman Ruler?
What did Pontius Pilate decide?
What did the crowd shout at Jesus while he was on the cross?
Why did Jesus die?
Why do you think today is called GOOD Friday?
Home Learning Tasks - 30/3/20
Hope you are all keeping well.
Please have a look at this week's tasks.
Remember that you can send me messages and photos of your work on Dojo for extra points :) 
Stay Safe! 
Can you define each of these words?
Who can create the best sentence using one or more of these words? 
How many synonyms can you find for each word?
How many antonyms can you find for each word?
Can you create a picture to go with each word?
Please watch these videos by Miss Allen about Accelerated Reader.  
Remember, you can take quizzes on books you have read at home. It is so important that you make time to read for at least 30 minutes every day!
For our topic on animals including humans, can you fill in a nutritional food diary just like this?
During his public life Jesus not only forgave sins, but also made plain the effect of this forgiveness: he reintegrated forgiven sinners into the community … from which sin had alienated or even excluded them. A remarkable sign of this is the fact that Jesus receives sinners at his table.”    Catechism of the Catholic Church

At home

You could help your children by:

  • thinking about how Jesus changes our lives
  • reading the story of Zacchaeus


Hi Year 3! 

It's Mrs Boekweit-Hughes here.  I wanted to come and say hello! I hope you and your families are all keeping safe enjoying spending time together. I have a little task for you to try out!


I have set you up a quiz on a website called Quizizz - click here

Enter code - 311464


If you want to revise nouns, then click here

If you enjoy it, pop a message on Class DOJO and I will send you some more quiz links. 


Useful Websites for Children


Shaun’s Game Academy: https://www.shaunsgameacademy.co.uk/

Shaun the sheep website which teaches children how to make online games. Suitable for whole school



Website full of educational resources. A month’s free access will be given if school’s are closed, A code will be sent out if this happens.

Setting up is really easy to do – go to www.twinkl.co.uk/  offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS


Free ebooks for all ages


BBC bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize

Website with lots of educational games. 


Reading Eggshttps://readingeggs.co.uk/

Register for a free trial and get 2 weeks free access to reading resources. 


Nasa Kids club: https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub

Children’s website about all things space. 


Education Quizzes: https://www.educationquizzes.com/

Education quizzes on different subjects. 


Corbettmaths Primary: https://corbettmathsprimary.com/

Maths work for KS2.


BBC bitesize Titanic facts : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/

Facts about our topic, the Titanic.


PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

Free 30min workout with Joe Wicks every day. 


Maths with Carol Vorderman: https://www.themathsfactor.com/

Register for free maths games, quizzes and teaching courses.


Topmarks: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

A range of excellent online educational resources.