Year 2

In Year Two we will have lots of fun becoming authors and acting out funny stories. We will smash our times tables, reading and spelling! We will become talented scientific/geographical investigators and historians asking lots of questions! We will also be fine artists, singers and  sportsmen. The sky is the limit!

Most importantly, we will care for each other and become one fabulous team where everyone is treated equally and with respect!



Miss Finnigan – Y2 Class Teacher

Mrs Gardner – Teaching Assistant


For regular updates, please ensure you are linked to our class dojo page and school twitter account @StJosephsW

You can make direct contact with me via the Y2 class dojo.

If you have a general query, please email and we shall endeavour to reply as soon as we can.


PE will be on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure children come into school wearing their correct PE kit on this day,


Home Learning Expectations

Homework is due by the following Friday of each week. 

Their homework folder will contain a double-sided grammar activity and a double-sided maths activity. They are not expected to complete both sides unless they want to. The side with the blue star (expected) is harder than the side with the red star (working towards). I am happy for them to choose what level they are confident to complete as independently as possible. 

Children will be encouraged to access their Spelling Shed accounts at home. Here they can play interactive and engaging games based on statutory spellings all Y2 children should know.

Please see the attached link at the bottom of this page for access. 

Children will also be encouraged to access their TTRockstar accounts at home. Here they can play times table games for motivating rewards.

Please see the attached link at the bottom of this page for access. 

All children will also bring home three reading books.

  • A star reading book to promote reading for pleasure and for you to enjoy with your child. It would be great for you to read this book to your child encouraging them to join in,
  • A familiar Read Write Inc book which your child has been practising in school, they will be confident enough to read this book to you.
  • An unfamiliar Read Write Inc book matched to their level of reading, which your child should be able to read to you but may need some slight support.

There will also be a reading record for you to record the books your child has read.

Reading bags need returning every day but don’t panic about reading all three books at once.

Trips throughout the year 

As part of our enrichment and entitlement initiative, we are due to travel on the Ferry to visit the Maritime Museum and learn about the Titanic and our River.  We also have trips planned to the pantomime and Chester Zoo in January!

We will also attend a team building activity in April at Activity 4 All

Long Term Curriculum Map
Please see Year 2's long term curriculum map with details of when particular topics are covered in each subject.
Useful Curriculum Links
The importance of reading
Reading is important in Year 2 because it helps develop essential language and cognitive skills. By reading, students can improve their vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking abilities. It also exposes them to various genres and ideas, expanding their knowledge and imagination. Additionally, reading helps foster a love for literature and a lifelong habit of learning.
Feel free to visit the Owl online library for some free eBook options, found here:
Recommended reads for Y2 are linked below