Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Year 4 2023 - 2024



Welcome to the Year 4 page. Here you will find essential information as the year progresses. For regular updates, please ensure you are linked to our class dojo page and school twitter account.

You can make direct contact with me via the Y4 class dojo.


Staff team 

Mr Clare - Class teacher

Mr McGovern - PE/MFL/PSHE teacher


If you have a general query, please email and we shall endeavor to reply as soon as we can.


  PE day and expectations

Year 4 PE will be on Wednesday mornings. Please ensure they are in correct kit each week.

PE kit is white t shirt and black shorts/joggers and a green hooded sweatshirt.


School day timings

School opens: 08:45

Lesson start: 09:00

First break: 10:15 - 10:30

Lunch 12:15-13:15

End of day: 15:30


Attendance and expectations

As a student in this school, it is expected that pupils will attend all classes and arrive on time. Regular attendance and participation is crucial to success in school, as it will allow students to stay up-to-date with the material, engage with their peers and receive timely feedback from teachers.

It is expected that students will make every effort to attend all classes in year 4, and if they  are unable to do so, please notify the school office and class teacher in advance with the reason.


Home learning expectations

Homework is due by the following Wednesday each week. 

Their folder will contain a double sided grammar activity and a double sided maths activity. They are not expected to complete both sides unless they want to. The side with the blue star is harder than the red star. I am happy for them to choose what level they are confident with. 

They will have a new spelling list which we will test again the following Friday. This will also be made available on their SpellingShed accounts. Here they can play interactive and engaging games based on their current list.

Some students will have some Read, Write Inc work set by their phonics teacher too. 

Finally, reading for pleasure is also encouraged. This can be anything they enjoy which is appropriate to their reading level. We really recommend Seacombe Library as a place to start! 


  Trips throughout the year 

As part of our enrichment and entitlement initiative, we are due to visit Delamere Forest as part of our topics on conservation as well as the pantomime and Chester Zoo in January!

We will also watch the matinee performance of 'Bugsy' by St Mary's in February.

 We are currently awaiting a postponement date for team building activities with HYPE.
The importance of reading
Reading is important in Year 4 because it helps develop essential language and cognitive skills. By reading, students can improve their vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking abilities. It also exposes them to various genres and ideas, expanding their knowledge and imagination. Additionally, reading helps foster a love for literature and a lifelong habit of learning.
  Please note: Recommended reads for Y4 are linked in the column below
   Additionally, please visit the Owl online library for some eBook options, found here: