Governing Body

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a voluntary aided primary school in Wallasey in the trusteeship of the Diocese of Shrewsbury.   It was formed in 2010 through the linking of the two historical parishes of St Alban’s, Liscard, and St Joseph’s, Seacombe.  The name and address of the school are: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Wheatland Lane, Wallasey, Wirral. CH44 7ED.   The name of the Headteacher is Mrs Maria Hollis. 

The school is an average sized Roman Catholic primary school which caters for children within the age range of 2 to 11 years.    The number of pupils on roll at January 2021 is .  The number of disadvantaged pupils and the proportion of pupils identified with SEND are above average.  The nursery provision caters for two-year old children.  The school operates a breakfast club on site.

The governing board is the school’s accountable body.  It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards.  The governing Board aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.

A Catholic school is defined as a parochial school of the Catholic Church.  Catholic schools participate in the evangelising of the Church integrating Religious Education in accordance with the teaching of the Church as a core subject within their curriculum.  Catholic schools, like all other schools in England, are required to deliver Relationships and Sex Education [RSE] and health education.

The day-to-day running costs of Catholic schools are funded by the state [via the Local Authority] on a similar basis to other categories of school.   The Church covers ten-per-cent of the capital costs for the maintenance of the premises in all voluntary aided [VA] schools.  Voluntary aided schools are eligible for capital funding grants.

Responsibility for work to VA school premises is shared between the school’s governing Board and the Local Authority.   The LA is responsible for the playing fields and the governing Board is liable for all other capital expenditure.


The Governing Board is the Admissions Authority, it determines the school’s Admission Policy and has responsibility for admissions to the school.  The Admissions Policy is non-selective. 

Wirral Local Authority undertakes the co-ordination of the Admission arrangements on behalf of the school. 


All Catholic Schools are subject to a Diocesan [Section 48] inspection at least every five years.  The purpose of the inspection is to evaluate the school’s religious character and the quality of the Religious Education provided for its pupils.  

The most recent Diocesan inspection took place in October 2015.   

All Catholic Schools are subject to inspection by Ofsted.  The most recent Ofsted inspection took place on 9-10 January 2019.  The school was judged to be Good across all six categories of inspection.


The name of the Governing Board is:  The Governing Board of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Wallasey.

The Instrument of Government sets out the Governance structure of the Governing Body.  A new Instrument was made an Order by Wirral Local Authority and came into effect on 1 May 2015.   It stipulates that the Governing Board consists of twelve Governors made up of seven foundation governors, one headteacher, one staff, two parent and one local authority governor. 

The four compulsory stakeholder groups are –


Foundation Governors are appointed by and may be removed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Shrewsbury.  The number of foundation governors must have a majority of two.

Foundation Governors have a specific responsibility for monitoring and developing the Catholic distinctiveness of the school.  Such governors must be regular church goers and have an interest in the school.


The parents/carers of all registered pupils at the school are eligible to stand for election as PARENT GOVERNOR.  Parent Governors are elected by other parents/carers at the school. A ballot is held if more than one nomination is received.

Where parents are not elected, the Governing Board may make appointments to these positions.


The headteacher is an ex-officio member of the governing board by virtue of his/her office and is included in the staff category.

Teaching and support staff who are paid to work at the school are eligible for STAFF GOVERNORSHIP.   Staff governors are elected by the staff.   A ballot is held if more than one nomination is received.


The governing Board sets out the eligibility criteria for an LA governor and presents this to the Local Authority.   The LA identifies a person who meets the criteria and nominates that person.   If the governing Board is satisfied that the nominee matches the criteria, the governing Board makes the appointment.  The governing Board can choose to reject the person if the eligibility criteria are not met.


The Headteacher is an ex-officio Governor, unless they resign from the office of Governor. 

The term of office for every foundation governor shall terminate on 31st August following the third anniversary of the date of appointment.


The Governors have equal voting rights at meetings.   The Chair has a casting vote.


The main duties and responsibilities of the Governing Board are to –

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
  • oversee the financial performance of the school, and making sure its money is well spent. 

As the accountable body, the Governing Board is the key decision maker.  As a corporate entity, the Governing Board delegates operational matters but remains accountable and responsible for all decisions made.  The executive leaders operate within the autonomy, powers and functions delegated to them by the Governing Body.

The Governing Board meets at least three times in each academic year.  

Governing Bodies are best placed to decide how they can work effectively in their own circumstances.  The Governing Board of St Joseph’s Catholic  Primary School delegates some of its statutory functions to Committees.

The membership of Committees is determined by the governor’s interests, skills and experience. 

There are two Statutory Committees -  

THE STAFF DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE [THE FIRST COMMITTEE] fulfils the Governing Board’s statutory responsibilities for staff and pupil discipline, staff dismissals, redundancy, grievances and deals with complaints.

THE APPEALS COMMITTEE [THE SECOND COMMITTEE] fulfils the Governing Board’s statutory responsibility to hear appeals against decisions of the First Committee, and forms a Pay Appeal Committee when required.

Each member of the Governing Board, with the exception of the Headteacher, the staff governor, and anyone employed at the school, is a named member of the Staff Disciplinary Committee or the Appeals Committee.  

There are two standing committees - The Standards  Committee and the Assets Committee.  Both Committees meet at least once a term and report to the Governing Board on its work and actions taken or decisions made.    

Working in collaboration with the Headteacher, the remit of the Standards Committee is to be responsible to the governing board for –

  • monitoring the quality and delivery of the national curriculum and the impact on standards and pupils’ achievements
  • reviewing the arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
  • reviewing the provision made for and the progress and attainments of children looked after and disadvantaged children
  • overseeing the personal development and wellbeing of the pupils and the staff
  • ensuring that the data on pupils and staff held by the school complies with General Data Protection Regulations [GDPR].  
  • forming a sub-committee from within its membership to review the Headteacher’s decisions on exclusions. 

Working in collaboration with the Headteacher, the remit of the Assets Committee [incorporating Finance, Personnel, Pay, the Buildings and Grounds, and Health & Safety] is to be responsible to the governing board for overseeing, monitoring and reviewing -

  • the school’s finances and assets
  • the school’s staffing complement
  • implementing the whole school pay policy
  • the school’s financial policies and procedures
  • the school’s plans, policies and procedures relating to premises and grounds
  • health and safety
  • forming a Pay Committee from within its membership.

 The Assets Committee and the Standards Committee meet at least once a term and report on actions taken or decisions made to the Governing Body. 


The Headteacher has delegated power from the Governing Board to deal with minor disciplinary matters in relation to junior members of staff.


The Chair of Governors is the Nominated Governor to receive complaints against the Headteacher.  

 A person who wishes to request information or raise a question about the Governing Board is requested to write to the Chair of Governors, c/o The School Office, marking the envelope ‘Private and Confidential’.


Each member of the Governing Board has agreed to adhere to the CES Code of Practice.   The code incorporates the Seven Principles for Public Life set up by Lord Nolan.