PE, Sport and Healthy Living


Physical Education at St. Joseph’s is a key part of our children’s learning experience.  It is essential that all children take part in some form of physical activity every week.

In order to be of benefit to all concerned, P.E. needs to be experienced in a safe and caring environment in order for it to contribute to all pupils’ development. 


We aim for every child to have 2 compulsory hours and 2 optional hours of physical activity every week.  This is split into 4 categories:

  • 1 hour of PE lessons
  • 1 hour of Active learning
  • 1 hour of extra-curricular activity to take place on the premises
  • 1 hour of sports activity to take place off site via a link from school
We use the Edsential 'Total PE+' scheme which provides a comprehensive overview of sports, skills and fitness based lessons, whilst incorporating knowledge about the impact of exercise on health and well being.


Our P.E. programme provides opportunities for pupils to increase their self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves, with a skill-based approach rather than sport-specific lessons.  Children aim to beat their personal best, rather than try to be the best performer.

All lessons incorporate a fitness element, giving the children the opportunity to build up physical fitness gradually over their time at St. Joseph’s.

What PE looks like in EYFS

PE are important subjects to deliver to EYFS children. A well planned PE curriculum in the EYFS ensures that children enter Year 1 with a strong foundation of key skills and knowledge.

We use the Edsential PE scheme 'Total PE+' which provides lessons in the key development areas of fundamental skills, gymnastics and dance.  These introductions to the different PE skills then progress through the different sports and games explored through Key Stage 1 and 2.

Extra Curricular provision

All children from Year 1-6 are provided a minimum of 1 hour per week of free extra-curricular provision throughout the school year.  This is provided though a variety of sports including trampolining, gymnastics, football, fencing, archery and others.  A full list of sports are provided on the PE calendar attached below.


Links to local community sports and leisure clubs

TRFC in the Community (dance and football

Flickers and Fliers (Trampolining)

Thorndale Tennis Club

Cheshire Cricket All-Stars

Steen Sports (gymnastics and free-running)

WESPA (Elite Sports Academy)

Edsential (Multi-sport curriculum and extra curricular support)
