
PSHE education is an important school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. 

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) involves learning about emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health in an age appropriate and sensitive way. RSE forms part of the PSHE education curriculum and complements the biological aspects of sex education covered in compulsory science lessons. As well as providing accurate information on human biology and sexual reproduction, it gives pupils essential skills for building positive, respectful, non-exploitative relationships and staying safe both on and offline.

At St Josephs Catholic Primary School we believe that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We aim to provide an inspiring education providing opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, alongside learning about and respecting others. Creative and imaginative opportunities are provided that inform their perspective on life and create a sense of enjoyment in learning about themselves.


PSHE/RSE is taught using content and planning from Ten:ten resources.  We follow the scheme 'Life to the Full+' which incorporates all PSHE and RSE content required to be covered by the National Curriculum, whilst adhering to our Catholic value.  All subjects are taught in a way appropriate to the age and needs of the child, which regular parental consultation for RSE topics. 


Long term plans are structured so there is a combination of lessons from the 'Life to the full+' scheme and coverage from important PSHE related events throughout the school year.  These include recycling, 'Big Legal Lesson', refugees, Fairtrade and a variety of other topics (A full list is available on our PSHE calendar attached below.)


Children at St Josephs Catholic Primary School understand and appreciate life in modern Britain today and cultural opportunities are provided to improve understanding and to show respect for different faiths, genders, disabilities and cultures. 

As well as the regular inclusion of PSHE within the timetable, special days have been set aside to promote mental health and global issues. Across the year we are celebrating; World Mental Health Week, Emotional Literacy, World Water Day, World Refugee Day and Anti-Bullying Week. Alongside this, KS2 classes are each presenting assembly to the rest of the school on key topics including; Anti-Bullying, gender equality, religious diversity and cultural diversity.

What PSHE/RSE looks like in EYFS

PSHE/RSE are important subjects to deliver to EYFS children. A well planned PSHE/RSE curriculum in the EYFS ensures that children enter Year 1 with a strong foundation of key skills and knowledge.

PSHE/RSE lessons in the EYFS follow the 'Life to the Full+' and are based around story-telling, pupils sharing and reflection activities.

Evidence of this can be collected using photographs, videos and logging the responses of pupils.

The units are split into 3 modules; Created and loved by God, 'Created to love others', 'Created to live in community'.