2 year old provision


Welcome to the 2 year old room


In the 2 year old provision the children explore and learn through play, with the encouragement and support from their Key worker. They will have many opportunities to develop academically as well as socially, in line with our school values.


Mrs Metcalfe –  Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hallett – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Carney – Teaching Assistant


Attendance and Punctuality

Parents/carers should drop their children off at the gate, which is located along the school drive and collect them from there at the following times 

2s start time is: 8.45 am

2s finish time is: 11.45 am

Staff will be available to support you.



We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. The curriculum consists of the following areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.


In the moment planning

Children are born with a natural desire to explore and learn and practitioners can support them in this. We do this by creating and enabling our environment (both physical and emotional) and through the relationships and interactions that the children experience.

We do not plan ahead, rather we remain ‘in the moment’ with the children as they explore and learn. We observe carefully and enhance the learning whenever we spot a ‘teachable moment’. Our observations, interactions and the outcomes are recorded afterwards and displayed in our classroom on ‘in the moment’ planning boards.

Each key person will follow the cycle of - observation, assessment and planning. Observations will be carried out on a moment-by-moment basis.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This term your child will continue to develop their relationships with their peers and adults.   We will work on turn taking and sharing through day to day provision, activities and games and become confident to ask adults for help and support with this. We will be working with our peers engage in narratives or build something together as a team.

Communication and Language

This term, children will continue to be exposed to lots of music, song and nursery rhymes, they will have the opportunity to join in with songs and stories and we will focus on starting to recall and answer questions about stories. We will work on narratives and acting out stories. In the areas of provision children will be encouraged to talk and listen to adults and peers and to focus on independent and adult led activities.


This term we will be encouraging the children to spend time in the book corner and in small groups to develop their awareness of books, stories and nursery rhymes. We will share many stories, act out the stories and continue our learning through the areas of provision.  We will extend language by looking at vocabulary and using tricky language from the stories as we are playing. 


In maths we will focus on a number at a time.  Through this we will be encouraging using number and shape language in the areas of provision and will focus on counting objects as well as counting jumps, claps, and steps.  We will share many number and counting songs in small groups. We use maths and problem solving in all areas of our classroom and outdoors.

Understanding the world

Our 2 year olds will be using a smart board to help in their learning (ICT). They will be encouraged to use all five senses to explore the environment. We will be exploring similarities and differences between each other. We will be going on local walks around the school and will begin to have my own friends. The children will have many opportunities to play with small world models e.g. train track, and farm.

Expressive Arts and Design

We will continue to join in with their favourite nursery rhymes. They will engage in narratives in the home corner, small world and construction.  The children may begin to represent their learning in the creative area where they will use different materials to create.

 Moving and Handling

This term in the classroom we will be focusing on fine motor skills using play dough, tweezers, pencils and paintbrushes to make marks and represent our learning and creativity. The children will follow instructions and learn different ways of moving such as skipping, sliding, hopping and shuffling.  The children will also learn to walk and balance on some equipment.